Fiona Cameron
Fiona Cameron’s Sacred Aromatics is a holistic health business situated in Maplrton on Sunshine Coast, Queensland offering naturopathy, health coaching and kinesiology. These services are designed to diffuse stress, treat the underlying cause of your health condition and empower you with the skills and knowledge to improve your health and sense of wellbeing.
About Fiona Cameron
As the Director of Sacred Aromatics, Fiona shares her passion for preventative health utlising traditional medicine with the knowledge of evidence based western medicine to treat you and your body holistically. That is your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of the body which when out of balance can leave you feeling unwell and often with physical symptoms such as pain and inflammation. My treatments include a range of modalities such as kinesiology, health coaching and naturopathy which incorporates herbs, vitamin and mineral supplements to restore your health and wellbeing.
Kinesiology treatments will assist you to examine unresolved emotional or mental attitudes which are holding you back from reaching your full potential. I invite you to experience how these treatments can change your life. The healing power of plants including essential oils has always fascinated me and people are naturally drawn towards the herbs and essential oils that they need. Many women are often attracted to Jasmine and Rose for their uplifting nurturing properties while Frankincense and Myrrh have been traditionally used in religious ceremonies to access higher consciousness. Frankincense (Boswellia) is a potent anti-inflammatory which is used anti-inflammatory and pain formulas for arthritis.
After working in the health industry for over 30 years as a registered nurse, educator, herbalist and more recently as a Kinesiologist. Fiona is able to combine her extensive experience as a registered nurse with naturopathy & kinesiology to ensure you receive qualified health advice in a safe nurturing environment. Health rebates are available for naturopathy.
Fiona currently is full member with Naturopath and Herbalists Association Provider number NH 55736 N

Experience & Qualifications
With more than 30 years experience as a registered nurse, educator, herbalist and more recently as an aromatherapist, Fiona is able to combine her extensive medical expertise and experience with aromatherapy to ensure you receive qualified health advice in a safe nurturing environment.
Registered nurse
Diploma in Aromatherapy
Certificate 4 Ayurvedic Aromatherapy
Diploma in Medical Herbalism
Masters degree; Healthy Ageing/Lifestyle medicine
Reiki practitioner
A Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Management & Education
Certificate 4 in Training & Assessment